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Kokokahn Essential Oils

Pure Essential Oils for Life


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GC/MS tested to ensure therapeutic quality and purity



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Pure Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

For a healthy balance

Your health is the most important part of your life. Maintain a healthy balance in your life with our wide line of pure essential oils and aromatherapy products.

More Info

Essential Oils

Our pure essential oils support a healthy mind, body and spirit. Shave away the years of stress, reclaim your natural health, and feel a wellspring of energy.  Essential oils come from tiny sacs of oil in a plant’s leaves, flowers, roots and other parts of the plant.  These concentrated forms of the plant have powerful therapeutic benefits supporting our physical and emotional well being.  Some essential oils you may have heard of include Lavender, Peppermint and Tea Tree. You can also check out the Kokokahn Aromatherapy Blog to learn more about essential oils and ways to support your health naturally.

lavender fields


Our pure essential oils support a healthy mind, body and spirit. Shave away the years of stress, reclaim your natural health, and feel a wellspring of energy.  Essential oils come from tiny sacs of oil in a plant’s leaves, flowers, roots and other parts of the plant.  These concentrated forms of the plant have powerful therapeutic benefits supporting our physical and emotional well being.  Some essential oils you may have heard of include Lavender, Peppermint and Tea Tree. You can also check out the Kokokahn Aromatherapy Blog to learn more about essential oils and ways to support your health naturally.

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Sourced Globally

From artisan distillers

All of our Essential Oils are: unsprayed, wildcrafted or certified organic.
GC/MS tested to ensure purity and therapeutic quality.
No parabens, dyes, sulfates, phthalates or other synthetic ingredients.
Kokokahn is eco-friendly, cruelty-free, safe aromatherapy for your physical, emotional & spiritual well being.

Latest Articles

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6 Benefits of Woody Essential Oils

Woody essential oils include the tree oils. Balsam fir, black spruce, douglas fir, scotch pine and silver fir are examples of some of the tree oils that are also referred to as conifer essential oils.  Conifers are trees whose seeds are produced in woody cones with needle-like leaves.  I always […]

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Local Farmers Markets

Local farmers markets you can find Kokokahn Essential Oils at in Southwest Florida. Shop local crafters, artisans and food growers in the Sarasota marketplace. Phillippi Farmhouse Market 5500 S Tamiami Trail Sarasota, FL 34231 Every Wednesday from 8am to 1pm October 2024 – April 2025 Englewood Farmers Market Dearborn Street, […]

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Peppermint Essential Oil Uses

Peppermint Essential Oil Benefits and How to Use Peppermint Essential Oil Peppermint essential oil is one of those classic, go-to essential oils. It’s great for beginners, is pretty well-known, and has a wide variety of benefits and uses. Peppermint oil is a year-round essential oil with uses for every season […]

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Homemade Hand Sanitizer

This DIY homemade hand sanitizer with essential oils can help protect you and your loved ones from germs keeping hands, fresh and clean. Keeping your hands clean is one of the most effective ways to stay healthy and ensure that you don’t spread germs to others. Sometimes busy schedules and […]

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Every Day Diffusing of Essential Oils

It’s long been known that certain scents react with the brain and senses.  This is the reason a certain smell can energize or calm the body, lift the spirits and give comfort.  Maybe it is the smell of homemade chicken soup when you have a cold or a fresh pumpkin […]

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How to Make Beard Oil for Dry Beards

The joys of autumn! To me, the air always smells and seems differently during fall. Everyone seems to be in better spirits now that the dreaded Florida heat is coming to a close (I’m sure other states can relate, maybe just not as much as the sunshine one!). We can […]

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Immune Boosting Essential Oil Blends for Cold and Flu Season

We have finally entered lovely autumn, which us being located in Southwest Florida; it is a much-celebrated season! Finally, we can wear our darling jackets and sweaters! The bonfires and roasting marshmallows, staying up late cozy in a blanket binge-watching that favorite new TV show, cuddles with pets and being […]

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What Are Hydrosols?

If you have been following our blog, by now you know the process of steam distilling essential oils. Within our blog, you will find a lot of information on essential oils, their benefits, and ways to use them. However, aromatherapy isn’t just limited to essential oils. There are floral waters […]

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Celebrating 10 Years with a $500 Giveaway

I can’t believe it’s already been 10 years since I started Kokokahn.  Oh how the time flies!  To celebrate, we’re giving away $500 in Kokokahn products!  A winner will be randomly drawn and announced December 1st, 2019 via email, facebook and instagram. Products shown in the picture below are the […]

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Do Essential Oils Really Work?

Ok, so you’ve heard of essential oils, maybe from a friend, co-worker, or family member. But do essential oils really work to promote a healthy mind, body and spirit? Or are they just the latest fad or shortcut to staying healthy, similar to a fad diet or pill you take […]

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July Essential Oil Spotlight| Strong Anti-fungal Essential Oils

Lemongrass Essential Oil Lemongrass essential oil is well known for being a great anti-fungal. Lemongrass is antiseptic and great for fighting off mold. This essential oil combats foot fungus and athlete’s foot. Lemongrass has a fresh grass-like citrus aroma. It is reminiscent of the lemongrass we eat especially in Asian […]

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Bug Bite Relief with Essential Oils

Summer is quite the beautiful season to enjoy outdoor weather. The only problem, we are faced with annoying bugs, gnats, and other biting insects that can leave us feeling itchy, annoyed and frustrated! Essential oils can be used as bug repellents as well as bug bite relief! Here are our […]

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Essential Oils 101

Essential oils go hand in hand with aromatherapy, although the two are different. Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils as well as other all natural ingredients for healing during massage or baths. In 1910, French Chemist Gattefosse burned himself while experimenting in his laboratory. He put his hand in […]

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June Essential Oil Spotlights | Invigorating Citrus Oils

Invigorating Citrus Oils Lovely summer is here! The time for warmth, happiness, growth, and enjoying the longer, sunny days. Citrus oils are energizing, happy, invigorating and great mood uplifters.  Their fresh, bright aromas make them the perfect oils for summer. Use them for cleaning, diffusing or wearing on essential oil […]

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Homemade Bug Spray with Essential Oils

Oh, summer! What a beautiful season full of beach days, vacations, and outdoor fun. There are only a few downsides to the fun season, like being a prime target for mosquitoes and no-see-ums, especially in Florida. A lot of commercial bug repellents have DEET and other harsh chemicals in them […]

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New! Palo Santo Essential Oil

Introducing Palo Santo Palo santo, also known as Holy Wood, hails from the offshore woods of Ecuador. Our palo santo essential oil is organically grown and sustainably sourced. The farmer we source from replants new palo santo trees to help reduce deforestation.  The oil is steamed distilled from the branches […]

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8 Top Essential Oils for Stress and Anxiety

8 Essential Oils for Stress and Anxiety During different stages of our lives, we will all experience times of blues, anxiety, and stress. Some healthy, natural forms of stress relief can be exercising such as yoga or walking, seeking comfort from loved ones, journaling, mediation, and, of course, laughter. Aromatherapy […]

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May Essential Oil Spotlights | Sleepy Oils

4 Sleep Essential Oils Summertime can bring upon stress, making sleep rather difficult. Essential oils for sleep not only help bring upon rest but provide great relief from daily anxieties and worries. Our featured May Essential Oil Spotlights are Patchouli, Roman Chamomile, Ylang Ylang, and Lavender; some of the best, […]

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Uplifting and Refreshing Lavender Lime Sugar Scrub DIY Recipe

Hello Summer! With the hot days of summer fast approaching, today we would like to share a beautiful Lavender Lime Sugar Scrub DIY recipe. Sugar is a moisturizing exfoliant and gentler on the skin than salt. With only 4 ingredients, this recipe is not only fun, but easy to make. […]

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April Essential Oil Spotlights | Spring Essential Oils

4 Spring Essential Oils “Sweet April showers do spring May flowers.” ~ Thomas Tusser April is a beautiful month of renewal and beauty. Spring is in the air….and so is pollen. For our April Weekend Wellness, we shared different respiratory supporting oils. These oils are fantastic to use during allergy […]

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