6 Benefits of Woody Essential Oils

October 22, 2024

Written by Traci

6 Benefits of Woody Essential Oils

Woody essential oils include the tree oils. Balsam fir, black spruce, douglas fir, scotch pine and silver fir are examples of some of the tree oils that are also referred to as conifer essential oils.  Conifers are trees whose seeds are produced in woody cones with needle-like leaves.  I always reach for the tree oils when fall weather starts settling in.  There is something so soothing and balancing about them that I truly resonate with during the fall and winter months in particular.

black spruce tree needles

Monoterpenes are the main family component in woody essential oils.  They are high in alpha and beta pinenes. ​The pines, like scotch pine, have the highest amounts of pinenes at over 50%.  Alpha and beta pinenes are respiratory supporting, immune supporting and a tonic for the adrenal glands.  Our adrenal glands are often affected by stress and when taxed, can leave one feeling fatigued and exhausted. Pinenes are also anti-oxidants helping to fight free radical damage from the environment and sun.

6 Benefits of Woody Essential Oils

  1. Supportive during cold and flu season
  2. Good deodorizers
  3. Soothe achy muscles and joints
  4. Respiratory supporters opening breathing, sinuses and stuffy heads
  5. Emotionally uplifting
  6. Adrenal gland supporters

woody essential oils benefit cold and flu season

woody essential oils good deodorizers

woody essential oils benefit achy muscles and joints








woody essential oil benefits open breathing and stuffy heads

woody essential oil benefits mood uplifting

Woody Essential Oil Benefits Adrenal Support

There are several ways to use woody essential oils for therapeutic support. One of my favorite ways to use them during fall and winter is in a diffuser.  My whole house feels lighter, fresher and so cozy.  I’ve also started a new Sunday floor routine with Forest Bath Essential Oil Blend, a blend of six woody essential oils. I mop the house with water, a tablespoon of vinegar and 5 drops of the Forest Bath blend.  4 orange tabby kitties share my home with me, so I stay light handed with the drops so it’s not too strong that it upsets their respiratory systems.

Another great way to use woody essential oils is to make up a chest rub to have on hand if a cold or the flu comes my way.  It’s great to soothe achy muscles and warming when you have the chills.  I also like to do an old fashioned steam with 1 drop of a tree essential oil in a bowl of steaming water.  Put a towel over your head and steam for 3 to 5 minutes.  It really helps open breathing airways and clear stuffy heads. This is an easy DIY recipe for achy muscles and joints with woody essential oils.  The tree oils have a shorter shelf life because of their high monoterpene content, so I recommend making this blend fresh every fall.

achy muscles and joints recipe with woody essential oils

Achy Muscles and Joints Recipe

1-oz or 2 tbsp. tamanu oil
4 drops black spruce essential oil
4 drops scotch pine essential oil
4 drops silver fir essential oil
4 drops douglas fir essential oil
4 drops balsam fir essential oil

Add the essential oil drops to the tamanu oil.  Cap and shake well.  Apply to achy muscles and joints for a soothing, calming effect.

Traci Dalrymple Kokokahn FounderWritten by Traci Dalrymple on October 22, 2024

Traci is a Certified Aromatherapist with over 20 years experience in essential oils, aromatherapy and product formulation. She received her training in the chemistry of essential oils and loves sharing her knowledge and experiences with people to help them live a better toxic-free lifestyle. Traci is the Founder of Kokokahn Essential Oils. Kokokahn first opened in January of 2009.  She lives and works in North Port, Florida. Traci is originally from Kansas City and lived in Japan for 5 years. Learn more about Traci’s journey.

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