New Woman’s Balance Essential Oil Blend

June 11, 2015

Written by Shelly Thompson

New Woman’s Balance Essential Oil Blend

A woman’s work is never done, so it is vital to give yourself TLC and the support you need to be your best, even when PMS and menopause symptoms get in the way. Kokokahn’s Woman’s Balance Essential Oil Blend is a perfect way to pamper yourself in a healthy, natural way.
Kokokahn Womans Balance Essential Oil Blend

A synergistic blend of 5 soothing and calming essential oils are what make Kokokahn’s Woman’s Balance blend a positive holistic support that compliments your natural strength to overcome and feel more like the Superwoman you are.

This unique essential oil blend includes certified organic Geranium essential oil, steam distilled from geranium flowers. Kokokahn Essential Oils Geranium for Hormone BalancingThe properties can be beneficial to women in many ways, including balancing hormones and easing PMS and menopause issues. It can also have positive effects on stress and with balancing hair and skin sebum. In addition, it helps with heart support, wrinkles, and dry, aging skin. Geranium essential oil also promotes peace to aid with anxiety, stress, nervous tension and in overcoming addictions.

Steam distilled from flowers, Kokokhan’s Woman’s Balance Essential Oil Blend also contains certified organic Lavender essential oil, from Provence, France. With many therapeutic properties, lavender essential oil is helpful for stress, sleep, restoration and emotional balance, as well as a healthy alternative for soothing skin irritations.

Sweet Marjoram essential oil can be helpful for a variety of issues. Steam distilled from dried leaves and flowers, this essential oil compliments Kokokhan’s Woman’s Balance blend with its natural ability for calming nerves, stress, obsessive thinking, and its soothing warmth can be beneficial for easing menstrual cramps and pain relief.

Kokokahn Bergamot Essential OilCold pressed from the rind of an Italian orange from Italy, Bergamot essential oil can add support to help uplift your mood and help you to feel happy when hormonal imbalances get you down. It is a powerful companion to unsprayed Roman Chamomile essential oil, a unique ingredient in Kokokhan’s Woman’s Balance to help calm anxiety, anger, and loneliness.

Be prepared the next time you feel hindered by unpleasant women’s issues and give yourself a powerful boost to feel more like the Superwoman you are:

  • Put 10 drops and 2 ounces (4 Tablespoons) water in a spray bottle. Shake well and spritz on face when hot flashes come on.
  • Add 1 drop to a cotton ball and inhale deeply to calm and soothe menopause related symptoms
  • Put 4 or 5 drops in a warm evening bath with Himalayan Pink Salts to soothe and calm menstrual cramps
  • Make a menstrual cramp soother with 15 drops Womans’ Balance blended into 2 tablespoons Jojoba Oil. Apply several times daily to your lower tummy and back.
  • Add 5 drops to a diffuser
  • Add 1 drop to the bedsheets to combat night sweats

Shop Kokokahn’s Woman’s Balance Essential Oil Blend.

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